Sunday, December 20, 2009

This Year I Learned...

It sounds like the segment on ROVE, hey!
** Love you ROVE - and missing you and your Team already!**

This post was inspired by Craig Harper's current post titled 'What I've Learned (and re-learned) in 2009'. As I finished writing my comment, I realised that it was both unfair and inappropriate for me to post it in its entirity. So I posted a concise version on Craig's blog and have posted the complete version here.

"I learned that you might say and believe you're ready for something, but you clearly aren't."

I thought I was 'ready' to be a paramedic, but clearly I wasn't. It was the ultimate wake up call that I still have a looooong way to go in terms of building my confidence, developing my decision making skills, being an effective communicator and being the one 'in control.'

"I learned that if you jump into something on full gas, you get injured and it creates issues and can end up being quite costly."

Doing too much training too soon, without the recommended progressive build up after... ummm.... 6 months of essentially doing bugger all exercise resulted in the onset of neck pain which has subsequently highlighted my poor scapula control (related to what must be years of poor posture). Seven physio sessions later I'm still 'messed up'! :(  That isn't a reflection on Tim, my physio, at all. It is a reflection on the whole set of circumstances/contributing factors. I'm improving. The pain is just jumping around and changing. You live and learn, that's all I'll say. This was a big lesson!

"I learned that when you do what you need to do CONSISTENTLY, WITHOUT EMOTIONAL ATTACHEMENT, you create positive, lasting change, you look and feel amazing and you walk around and talk like you really are happy and content."

I've been training with Gav, my PT, for 2x 45 min sessions a week since Sep 29. I've been keeping an honest food diary - that is, of EVERYTHING, every day and not just every 3rd day or when I'm 'good' - since Oct 19. I've now desensitised myself from needing/wanting the bad shit - a.k.a high carb, high fat, high sodium, high sugar crapola commonly found in chocolate, icecream, fast food places and bakey foodstuffs. I feel so damn good, Craig. Sure I have a long way to go yet but I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and I WILL MAKE IT "THIS TIME." How? BECAUSE I'M NOT GOING TO STOP TILL I GET THERE! GO ME!

"I learned that when you stop moving (interstate/intrastate) you actually start to develop close friendships and start to create things in your life that you love partially because of the people you share it with, not just because you love/enjoy the activity or thing."

My new passion is DANCE - the Les Mills BODY JAM way. I love the class, but I love the people who teach it and I love the participants I jam with! It doubles as a funky cardio workout and a social thing.

"I learned what true commitment looks, smells, tastes, feels and sounds like."

On Oct 13 I committed, financially (via a $1,000 deposit) to joining a mountaineering expedition in Nepal - a 24 day trek and summit climb of Mera Peak at 6476m. It's not just about the money though. It's about committing to it with your heart and soul and living and breathing what it is you have committed to. It's the most amazing thing to be truly committed. Try it for yourself and you be the judge.

"I learned that there are people out there who care about me and who want to see me create lasting change and become a better person."

My parents are amongst them, of course. Craig - you are too. Chezzy, my future mountain guide and team mate, Gav, my PT. And Tim, my physio is yet another - who I may add is really keen to see me get back to my paramedic career sometime soon. You're all so awesome and I want to thank you for sharing my journey to creating my best life.

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