Monday, December 29, 2008

Visualising the outcomes I want in my world

I currently have two key focuses for the next 12 months: my graduate paramedic job (that I'll start at the end of March) and Ironman Western Australia 2009 on Dec 5 (the day before my 30th birthday bash!). To be successful at both of these, I need to visualise myself being the paramedic and the athlete I am striving to become.

A couple of months ago, Craig wrote a post about this, titled Just like you, only better. At the time I was under a huge amount of (partially) self-induced stress and pressure that originated from two months of insomnia, way too much procrastinating and nearly giving up on myself. It has only been recently that I've been able to give this some more thought - visualising the outcomes I am seeking in my world.

At the end of the day though, it isn't about me being a paramedic or about me being an athlete - but more about learning, growing and becoming a better version of me. Amongst my core values are health, fitness, family, friends, lifelong learning and personal growth. I do believe that by becoming a paramedic - the best paramedic I can be - and creating my 'best body' through endurance sport that I will be able to live a life aligned with my core values.

The picture is of me (yes, it really is me), completing the Gold Coast Sprintman triathlon on October 5. I look so happy that I just had to buy it. This will help me visualise myself finishing IM WA.

Key empowering questions:
What will I wear on race day?
What physiological condition will my body be in?
How will I feel in the water?
My swim time?
My transitions?
The speeds I'll average on the bike?
The thoughts that will whizz through my mind? The mental games I'll play
What and when I'll eat and drink to keep adequately hydrated and fuelled?
How will I deal with adversity (flat tyre, falling off the bike, having to walk the whole marathon)
My finish photo?

I have never got to that place in my head ever before - with anything. And of course, I've only just started creating my ironman race in my head. I don't know the answers to a lot of those questions (yet). Until I commented on Craig's Commitment Wall post on Tuesday December 9, my ironman triathlon goal may as well have just remained a dream - for another 6 years. While I had thought about it, on/off for 6 years, the truth is I had never got beyond the dream and committed to it and created the action plans. But here I am, I committed to achieving my Ironman goal in December 2009 publicly, but also to myself, psychologically and emotionally. To me right now, this is a non-negotiable. By the time December 5, 2009 arrives I will have raced Ironman WA 100's of times in my mind.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Second Tuesday with Craig

Had my second mentoring session with Craig this morning - 07:00 AM my [QLD] time, 08:00 his time. Not going to go into what we spoke about (its personal). I am learning more about me and what I need to do to overcome the stuff I've struggled with for years.

One of the lessons from today: recognising that thoughts are a part of living and they are just thoughts. Craig mentioned what Eckart Tolle talks about in his books The Power of Now and The New Earth. [Thanks Craig - I bought them both today].

Another lesson: stop living in the past/future, and live in the NOW. I think a lot of my issues with fear, confidence, self-esteem etc stem from being caught up in the past/future. I need to let go of all that and live in the moment.

Also: Jules, stop being a baby! The only reason you wont do it [my triathlon training] is if YOU decide not to. I fully realise that now, too. I've made completing every training session a non-negotiable unless I'm ill, injured or invariably run down and tired.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Learning from the best

I received my first program from Jason Shortis this afternoon. It looks fantastic and I'm so excited to get started on my path to becoming an Ironman Triathlon finisher as part of my quest to becoming fitter, leaner, lighter, stronger, healthier. A better-version-of me. My program starts tomorrow.

I have already decided that I will commit to a full 12 months of triathlon coaching with Jason in order to give myself the best possible preparation to get me to the start line of Ironman Western Australia on Saturday, December 5, 2009 - and to complete it, injury free.

Jason is a professional ironman triathlete and I want to learn and be coached by the best. I met Jason after I finished the Sprintman triathlon on the Gold Coast in early October. A fantastic, down to earth bloke as well as an amazing athlete.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday's with Craig - The First Tuesday

I started reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom on Saturday. I had never heard of the book until just recently when Michelle told me it was recommended reading by Craig. Just the other day, I was talking to Mum, sitting at the compter when I happen to glance over at the bookcase and found Tuesdays with Morrie right there - talk about amazing! Mum said Dad must have bought it. I swiftly grabbed it and took it to my room like a mouse with cheese (or like Craig with his baked cheesecake!). Am learning lessons from Mitch and Morrie already.

Today I had my first mentoring session with Craig. How funny that it is Tuesday too! Tuesday is the new Monday - the day you create change (supposedly). Today is the start of the next chapter of my life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Physiological testing: establishing a starting point

This afternoon I did a VO2 max bike test up at the human performance lab at my university. It was always going to be an amazing experience as I have never done one before. I've only done submax cardiovascular tests which can only ever estimate your HR max and VO2 max. Frank, the exercise physiologist that was going to do the test was busy and called upon an honours student to help him out and do my test. I didn't mind at all - he was great and really supportive and encouraging throughout the test. He explained everything so well too but I'm going to have to do some reading to consolidate what he told me about what all my numbers meant! It wasn't the most pleasant thing to go through- with the gas mask on, breathing through a tube in my mouth as my nose was blocked.

I'm excited to have the info that the test gave me, and can't wait to get into my long slow distance training and have another test done in a couple of months. The body weight has to come down - I wasn't all that surprised to learn I had gained nearly 5 kg in the past 6 weeks. I've intentionally had to shift my primary focus from training to my university study. Being leaner, lighter, stronger, fitter and healthier are all equal outcomes from my goal of losing 19 kg.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Craig Harper: Renovate Your Life Sydney Workshop

Today, I attended Craig Harper's Renovate Your Life Sydney workshop. It is now up to me to utilise his knowledge, ideas, strategies and tools to create amazing in my own life.

Lesson 1: To be different you must do different.

So, the first thing I will do is create a detailed plan of how I will achieve my goals. I've done goal setting before, but not to the extent that Craig does. I need to first identify the goal, identify the outcomes from achieving that goals. But I think what I haven't ever really done is set progressive goals. I have simply written 'I want to lose 15 kg by my birthday/Christmas' or 'I want a university degree.' People who know me will know I have never had a proper study timetable, and they'll know how much of a procrastinator I am, and how I love chocolate. I can sometimes easily and happily spend 3 hours a day swimming, cycling, running (which is a slow jog at the moment!) but eating rubbish after or before that will be simply undoing my good work. Those behaviours will not allow me to effectively achieve my goal (setting non-negotiable behaviours will be discussed soon).

Craig gave us an A4 version of his Goal Setting Framework. Until physical space and money becomes available when I can invest in a large whiteboard, I will do the butcher paper method and stick it on my wall.