Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday's with Craig - The First Tuesday

I started reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom on Saturday. I had never heard of the book until just recently when Michelle told me it was recommended reading by Craig. Just the other day, I was talking to Mum, sitting at the compter when I happen to glance over at the bookcase and found Tuesdays with Morrie right there - talk about amazing! Mum said Dad must have bought it. I swiftly grabbed it and took it to my room like a mouse with cheese (or like Craig with his baked cheesecake!). Am learning lessons from Mitch and Morrie already.

Today I had my first mentoring session with Craig. How funny that it is Tuesday too! Tuesday is the new Monday - the day you create change (supposedly). Today is the start of the next chapter of my life.

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